Visit the official website of the BICAPP research centre, where you can find updates, seminars, thesis proposals, internships and ongoing projects
About us
Bi.CApP is a departmental centre that brings together researchers, professors and students from the Department of Psychology at the University of Milan-Bicocca with backgrounds in the fields of social, economic and organisational behaviour, sensory/motor learning, attentional and perceptual processes, the neural bases of behaviour, cognitive ergonomics, psycholinguistics, computer science, engineering and technological development. BiCApP is also open to external academic and industrial affiliations with expertise in the centre’s various fields of interest.
The centre is structured as a laboratory with several workstations equipped for the development of applications for portable and wearable technology. In this sense, a distinctive element of the centre’s work is the creation of a unit for developing applications for multimedia devices based on sound scientific knowledge.
In particular, BiCApP liaises with the Mind and Behavior Technological Center (MiBTeC) in order to connect the research produced by the Department with the needs of business and commercial entities. Activities aimed at the pursuit of the centre’s goals are also carried out in cooperation with national and international public and private entities and with national and international scientific associations with overlapping interests.
The Bi.CApP Centre is part of a broader project that aims to make the Department of Psychology of the University of Milan-Bicocca a centre of excellence for the development and application of psychological knowledge, with a particular emphasis on the innovative use of advanced technologies and the transfer of knowledge acquired through basic and applied research to foster their consequent impact on the socio-economic context (with particular regard to the development of Industry 4.0).
Scientific Director: Prof. Emanuele Preti
The Bicapp Centre aims to encourage the study and consideration of human factors in relation to new technologies, with particular reference to the multimedia devices available on the market (smartphones, I-Pads, etc.) in relation to the fact that psychological, neuroscientific and psycholinguistic knowledge comes into play to a significant degree in explaining various aspects of human behaviour (e.g., decisions, healthy choices, so-called healthy ageing, consumer behaviour and attitudes towards ecological issues).
The centre pursues the above-mentioned aims through the following activities:
- Development and support of new avenues of research on the use of psychological knowledge in the development of new technologies;
- Acquisition of private funding for the development of products, technologies and sales strategies where the psychological variable is critical;
- Promotion and support of the acquisition of research funds by the centre’s members through participation in national and international competitive tenders;
- Provision of consultancy services to public and private organisations;
- Organisation of training activities for the dissemination of applied psychological knowledge (e.g. workshops and summer schools);
- Implementation of targeted communication and dissemination activities that ensure visibility among stakeholders, decision-makers and funding bodies;
- Facilitation and support for start-ups.
Activities and services
- Development of applications for portable and wearable devices.
- In this respect, a technological partnership is being considered for the development of a number of apps targeting behavioural change in different areas (e.g. physical activity; waste management; management of work-related stress; etc.). ‘Time2Rate’ – an application for data collection in Ecological Momentary Assessment and Ecological Momentary Intervention designs – is already available at the centre.
- Training courses on psychological issues related to technology use
BiCApP centre
Official website:
Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, 1– 20126 Milan